It's been quite a while since I updated everyone. I have spent the last few months in Lima and also took a short trip to the states to spend some time with my family in Florida. It has been a wonderful time or reflection over the past year and enjoying time with my teammates. It was so life giving to vacation in Florida for the holidays. I got to see a couple of college friends who came down as well. The Lord knew that I needed that time to get filled up on my love tank and get lots of hugs from people that mean so much to me.
During January we spent a couple of weeks training a new group of semester volunteers that will be serving with us through May. I am not actually serving with any of them but it was great to pour into them about the work in the mountains and where we have seen the Lord working. I am excited to hear about their experiences in the coming months. As for me, I am heading out early in the morning to serve for a few weeks in the department of Puno in a town called Chupa.
I have a few prayer requests for you guys as I head out. One of the things that I have become apprehensive about some during my time here is team dynamic. I know how important it is to have team members with the same heart and common goals so that the Lord can use us in the most effective way. I have been on teams where that hasn't always come naturally or some issues have surfaced. I ask you to pray that the Lord would knit us together in such a way that we compliment each other a uphold one another. We want the people not to just hear about Christ with our words but to see it in the ways that we love one another.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
-John 13:34-35
I will be back in Lima for a brief time in early March and will look forward to updating you guys about this trip and what will be coming up for me. Mad love you all!